Generation Zero
Neon Collection
The futuristic fantasy art of Swiss cantons in surreal, neon style. It’s like going through Swiss conquered space in the future, and the cantons are some faraway worlds you would like to visit while on vacation.

Canton Schwyz
In this NFT, our Unicow has witnessed one of the most legendary moments in Swiss history – Wilhelm Tell successfully shooting an apple off of his son’s head. This is one of the events, that made Tell the globally known national hero of Switzerland.

Canton Bern

Canton Thurgau
Known for its fruit production, the Canton of Thurgau is locally known as “Apple Juice-India”. The blooming apple trees are creating a beautiful atmosphere in spring, and delicious apples in autumn. Our NFT is an ode to the nature of this Canton.

Canton Jura
Switzerland is home to the most sought after luxurious watch brands. The 200 km long watch valley is mainly located at the Swiss Jura arc. One of the worlds oldest manufacturers is Swiss and started its production in 1755 in the “valley”. The Swiss love for precision and quality is an industry, that creates timeless art pieces. Our NFT is like a love letter for the difficult manual work and all the details, that make things work as smooth as a Swiss watch.

Canton Neuchatel

Canton Uri
As a founding member of the Old Swiss Confederation, this Canton plays an essential role in the myth about the „Rütlischwur“. The Rütlischwur is the oath that was taken at the foundation of the Old Swiss Confederation. It is named after the place, where the Oath-Takers used to meet up. Our NFT shows the three „Eidgenossen“ (Oath-Takers). Although it has never been officially proven, it is widely known, that the three persons are most likely Werner Stauffacher from Schwyz, Arnold von Melchtal from Unterwalden and Walter Fürst from Uri. This NFT is a homage to the National myth of the foundation of Switzerland as Confederation.

Canton Nidwalden
This NFT is for everyone who enjoys a good ride with an open deck and a view over a lake. The Cabrio cable car ride in Nidwalden is one of a kind – worldwide. This cable car will drive you up to a height of 1898 m, so you can enjoy the surroundings. There is an open deck, but if you prefer to have a roof over your head while riding to that height, you can go downstairs and enjoy a regular cable car ride in a box. No matter how you prefer to take that ride – just take a deep breath of the fresh air and enjoy the beautiful view of Lake Lucerne.

Canton Aargau
This Aargau Neon NFT is literally legendary. The legend says, that once there was a dragon living on that hill. Two knights defeated it and got the right to build a castle in the same place. The Castle in question is the Lenzburg Castle. It is one of the oldest and most important castles in Switzerland. It is listed as a heritage site. Some parts of the castle even date back to the 11th century. Do you think there is still a dragon hiding somewhere around the castle?

Canton Basel-Land
Thinking about Switzerland most people think about medieval times. The oldest known Roman colony on the Rhine river is located in Switzerland, though. The so-called Augusta Raurica was founded around 44 BC. Nowadays it is an archaeological site and open-air museum. Originally it was a prosperous trading centre. An estimation claims, that about 10.000 people probably lived in Augusta Raurica. This NFT is a real must-have for anyone, who admires ancient history and has a flair for modern times.

Canton Ticino
Ticino is known as Swiss Paradise, there is even a place called Paradiso in this Canton. If you go for your afternoon walk to catch the last few warm rays of light before the sun sets, you might come across a private garden with access to Lake Lugano. Right on the other side of the lake, you can see Monte San Salvatore – with a height of 912 m, it is the top of Lugano. Our NFT shows exactly this beautiful scenario.

Canton Lucerne
The Lion Monument commemorates the Swiss Guards who were massacred during the French Revolution in Paris. The mourning and dying lion is placing its right front paw, protecting a shield covered with the lilies of France. The Swiss Cross is placed right above his head. Even Mark Twain commented on this Monument in „A Tramp Abroad“. This NFT from the Neon Collection shows this sandstone sculpture, which is one of the most visited monuments in Switzerland, in a new way.

Canton Obwalden
If you think about sports and Switzerland, you are most likely to think about the different types of winter sports. One of the best places to go skiing is the Canton of Obwalden. Engelberg-Titlis has a total of 70 km of slope to offer.

Canton Fribourg

Canton Appenzeller Ausserrhoden